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“A sexy retelling of the Robin Hood legend.”
Rebecca Coffey - Author and journalist (Forbes, NPR )

“Gusto. Humor. Eros.”
Ralph Keyes - Author of The Post-Truth Era

“Thought-provoking. A real page-turner.”
Bob White, Chairman
Worldwide Robin Hood Society

Discover Robin Hood's characters as you've never known them before

King Robin “puts these enduring characters into a realistic milieu, where the morality is grey, and the decisions are never easy. With the structure and approach, it’s custom-built for streaming or cable audiences,” reports story analyst James Chatterton (HBO, Anonymous Content) in his cinematic coverage of the novel..

Characters of King Robin

(In order of appearance)

Robert Webber, AKA Robin Hood

Military leader, outlaw, and king. The bastard son of the Baron of Nottingham and a peasant, Anna Webber.


Anna Webber

Robert Webber’s mother. Briefly the mistress of the Baron of Nottingham. Moral guide for her son’s sympathy with England’s common folk.


Simon Webber

Robert’s maternal grandfather.


Friar Tuck

Robert’s first teacher in Nottingham. Later a close ally and Archbishop of Canterbury.


Faye Rolfe

Daughter of peasants who live near young Robert Webber around Nottingham. Born with cleft palate.


Baron of Nottingham, Sir Ralph Talbot

Robert’s father who never acknowledges his parentage.


Robert de Beaumont

Lord Justiciar responsible for managing the affairs of state for three kings: Henry, Richard and John.


Marian de Beaumont, AKA Maid Marian

Only child of Lord Justiciar Robert de Beaumont. Robert’s lover, confidant and later, his wife.


King Henry II

Monarch during Robert Webber’s youth. Father of Richard and John.


Prince/King Richard

Oldest son of Henry II. Leads an insurrection against his father. Later forgiven and returned to the line of royal succession by his father.


Prince/King John

Youngest son of Henry II. Made regent after his brother Richard leaves on a crusade. Becomes king after Richard’s death.


Earl of Norfolk, Hugh Bigod

Powerful and rich, Bigod forms and betrays numerous alliances. 


John Little, AKA Little John

Military engineer. Long-time comrade of Robert Webber. Member of the legendary Merry Men.


Gilbert Whitehand

Skilled archer. Long-time comrade of Robert Webber. Member of the legendary Merry Men.


Baron of Thetford, Edward Blake

Robert’s first military opponent in his insurrection with Prince Richard.


Earl of Dover, Baldwin de Redvers

Marries Robert’s half-sister and inherits the title of Baron of Nottingham.


Juliet Talbot de Redvers

Robert’s half-sister pressured into marrying the Earl of Dover.


Clement Fitzwater

Marian’s first husband and son of the Earl of Kent. Lover of Will Scarlett.


Will Scarlett

Serves with Robert in French military campaign. Lover of Marian’s first husband, Clement. Member of the legendary Merry Men.


Arthur Bland

Sent by Richard to be Robert Webber’s valet. Later becomes Chancellor of the Exchequer for King Robert. Member of the legendary Merry Men.


Adam Fanning

Clerk at the Exchequer. Will Scarlett’s lover. Autistic savant.


Archbishop of York

Founder of the Order of the Cross, a military order of monks Prince John exploits for oppression as Regent.

Sheriff of Nottingham, Rudolf Murdac

Appointed by Robert's brother-in-law, the Earl of Devon, as administrator of Nottingham, Murdac is the earl's former procurer of prostitutes.  


Earl of Derby

Leads a short-lived insurrection against Prince John’s regency squelched by Robert Webber.


Percival Nash

Constable of the Royal Guards in Oxford. Helps Robert Webber put down the Earl of Derby’s rebellion.


Lester Muchison, AKA Much the Miller's son

Defector from the Order of The Cross. Joins Robert’s insurgents in Sherwood Forest. Member of the legendary Merry Men.


Earl of Lincoln, William d’Aubigny

Mediator between Robert Webber and the Earl of Devon. Helps Robert Webber form the Army of Honour to usurp King John. Later executed for treason.


Guy Courtmantle

Nephew of Henry II placed in the line of royal succession by his uncle.


Bernard Courtmantle

Nephew of Henry II placed in the line of royal succession by his uncle.


Earl of Dorset, Arnold Osmund

Will Scarlett’s uncle. Lord Justiciar for King Robert.


Baron of Ashby

Lord of the midlands who withdraws from Army of Honour..


Baron of Sheffield

Lord of the midlands who withdraws from Army of Honour.


Sarah Payne

Squatter raising a son at Anna Webber’s former cottage near Nottingham.

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2021 Beck & Branch Publishers. 

© King Robin - All rights reserved.

PRINT ISBN: 978-0-9994457-0-9

DIGITAL ISBN: 978-0-9994457-1-6

Copyright TXu002183279

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Cinematic rights represented by Kirk T. Schroder

Schroder Brooks Law Firm, PLC

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